Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dalian University of Technology


Center for the Study of Interdisciplinarity
University of North Texas
Not just another interdisciplinary center

Interdisciplinary centers for the study of a given issue are common, as are centers that focus on one or another aspect of interdisciplinarity (e.g., the University of Bielefeld's Center for Interdisciplinary Research or Harvard's Project Zero), but no center has heretofore focused on the issue of interdisciplinarity in itself and, insofar as possible, in its entirety.

CSID seeks to generate a virtuous circle of interdisciplinarity by (1) providing resources and networking for researchers and students interested in interdisciplinary research and education; (2) promoting experiments in inter- and transdisciplinarity; (3) identifying institutional barriers to interdisciplinarity; (4) establishing indicators for the success or failure of interdisciplinary projects; and (5) developing a set of best practices for interdisciplinarity.

CSID Flyer


National Science Foundation
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 "to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defenseā€¦" With an annual budget of about $6.9 billion (FY 2010), we are the funding source for approximately 20 percent of all federally supported basic research conducted by America's colleges and universities. In many fields such as mathematics, computer science and the social sciences, NSF is the major source of federal backing.

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Hennebach Program in the Humanities
Colorado School of Mines
The Hennebach Program in the Humanities was founded in 1991 through generous support by a major endowment from Ralph Hennebach (CSM class of 1941). Since 1995 the program has sponsored a regular series of Visiting Professors and promotes the general enhancement of the humanities on campus.

Given increased recognition of the importance of the humanities in science and engineering education, the Hennebach Program provides opportunities to meet the needs of students who aspire to assume leadership roles in the technical world. Such students benefit from focused studies in the humanities that complement their technical degree curricula.

Visiting professors have included scholars in classics, environmental studies, ethics, history, literature, philosophy, and social theory as well as the interdisciplinary fields of environmental policy and science/technology & society studies. Visiting scholars support the humanities i.e. through courses offerings, lectures, workshops and collaboration on projects and research.


This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0830387. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).